Reel footage includes: the sex-positive give-zero-f**ks superhero who'll knock you out of bed with a flick of her finger (DateSMASH!), the cute girl at the party who'll hit on you over a bowl of baby carrots (Easy Abby), and the wife who'll get high on the couch at your dinner party while you're in the other room arguing with your sister (You're So Talented).

Pony in "The Realistic Joneses" by Will Eno, and Mary Jane in "Mary Jane" by Amy Herzog (second piece begins at 2:03).

As Marcia in Our Lady of 121st Street, with Christian Wilson as Edwin, for UIUC MFA Showcase 2018. Filmed at Shatterglass Studios, Champaign, IL, March 2018.

As Anna in A Bright New Boise, with Mark Tyler Miller as Will, for UIUC MFA Showcase 2018. Filmed at Shatterglass Studios, Champaign, IL, March 2018.